More links for 19 Dec 2007

The amazing bar that is inside a tree. [DailyMail]
Scientists believe they have worked out the secret to winning at scissors, paper, stone. [Telegraph]
A short report on how people are actually making a decent living off begging on the streets. [I Am Bored]
5 beautiful sunset pictures taken in Norway. [Thomas Laupstad]
A Bangkok hotel has created a unique Christmas tree -- nearly 18-feet high, 9-feet wide and made of 19,888 golf balls. [LiveVideo]
Heathrow to get world's first Personal Rapid Transport system. [Jalopnik]
Scientist haves come up with the radical suggestion that the universe's end may come not with a bang but a standstill - that time could be literally running out and could, one day, stop altogether. [Telegraph]
Mechanic makes a Mercedes Silver Arrow racing car out of his old Citroen. [DailyMail]
