Impossible Figures

Impossible FiguresHere's an extract from an interesting article for creating "impossible figures" - figures that cannot be represented in the real world.

Many people think that impossible figures are really impossible and they cannot be represented in the real world. Nevertheless, we know that any draft is a projection of a three-dimensional object on a plane. Therefore, any figure drawn on a paper must have a corresponding figure (or figures) in three-dimensional space. Moreover, there are infinite number of three-dimensional objects which can be projected on a plane into the same figure. Impossible figures are not exception.

Of course, none of the impossible figures cannot be created in space by simple way. For example, you cannot take three wood blocks and join them as they constitute impossible triangle. But in plane projection of a three-dimensinal object some edges can be overlaped by other edges, and some curved edges can become straight lines.

Link & Image: Impossible World
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