Men Get Licences Wearing Outlandish Disguises

driving licenseWould you spray-paint your face or add a row of fake buckteeth in your mouth for your driving license photo? Apparently, two guys tried these pranks and risked losing their driving privileges!

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles said Wednesday it's ordering two men to get their license photos retaken -- this time without the red-painted skin, spray-on hair and fake teeth -- or lose their driving privileges.

Will Carsola and Dave Stewart posted Internet videos of their pranks, which included scenes of Carsola spray-painting his face and neck bright red and Stewart painting the top of his head black and sticking a row of fake buckteeth in his mouth in an Asian caricature. They each enter the DMV office and return with real licenses with photos of their new likenesses.

Link & Image: NBC4 via Arbroath
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