Ruby, Tilly and Gracie were born in September. They were delivered by Simon Grant, a consultant in obstetrics and foetal medicine at Southmead Hospital, Bristol, and kept in hospital for three months because they were underweight. Dr Grant said: “We haven’t been able to find a case where there has been twins and a single. There are very few world firsts nowadays, but this may certainly be one.”The girls were conceived from two eggs produced during ovulation, one in each womb. One egg split, producing the identical twins Ruby and Tilly, while Gracie developed independently.
When they were delivered by Caesarean section seven weeks prematurely, Ruby and Tilly weighed 2lb 6oz and 2lb and Gracie weighed 2lb 13oz. The total weight of all three baby girls was only slightly heavier than the average weight of one.
Link & Image: Times Online
Tags: Womb | Birth | Triplets