Painted Cats

Painted CatsSome of these paint jobs cost $15,000 and had to be repeated every 3 months as the cat's hair grows out. Must be nice to have $60,000 a year just to keep your cat painted!

Update: These images are spoofed, and are from a book called "Why paint cats" by Burton Silver and Heather Buschm - whereby no cats were actually involved! Find out more from Snopes. Many thanks to Peg and Jennifer for the tip!

More interesting paintings after the jump.

Painted Cats
Painted Cats
Painted Cats

Link & Images: Ueba
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peg said…
These are very cool but they are not real. They're from a book called "Why Paint Cats" by Burton Silver & Heather Buschm.
Anonymous said…
This is a hoax - you can check it on

Anonymous said…
Here's how to make delicious chocolate covered strawberries. First of all ensure that the strawberries you are intending to use are dry, then allow them to be room temperature warm prior to making them. After the strawberries have been covered in chocolate, put them in your refrigerator to cool, but do not store them in the fridge. Consume within 1-2 days.