However, PS3center decided to put a little twist to their original black unit and turn it into the world's first and only white PlayStation 3 - and succeeded in selling it for $1,425! However, it is still unclear on whether its warranty has been voided.
After seeing what happened to the Playstation 3 market on eBay, we quickly realized that we won’t get much for our black PS3. PCN then decided to put a little twist to their unit. We created the world’s first and only white Playstation 3. This is a full replica of Sony’s Prototype.
Sony released 3 colors for the Playstation 3, black, silver and white. At the moment, only the black Playstation 3 is available on the market.
More images after the jump.

Link & Image: eBay via PS3Center
Tags: PS3 | Console | Sony | White