Chipmunk swallowing a peanut!

Chipmunk swallowing a peanutThis chipmunk managed to swallow a peanut, whole. I can’t believe its mouth is actually big enough to perform this act. Cute though! More pictures after the jump.

Chipmunk swallowing a peanut
Chipmunk swallowing a peanut
Chipmunk swallowing a peanut
Chipmunk swallowing a peanut
Chipmunk swallowing a peanut
Link & Image: Cute Overload via UniqueDaily
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Anonymous said…
Excellent images, incredibly funny!
Could you post these in a higher resolution? I guess I'm not the only one who'd love to have them as a desktop background.
Anonymous said…
Chippie the Chipmunk didn't swallow the peanut, just stowed it away in his cheek pouch to enjoy later!
Unknown said…
OH MAN!!! This is cute :)
Spluch said…
These images were originally from Cute Overload... not sure if they have a higher resolution version but you can try requesting from them.

Hope this helps! :)