Amber indicators are triggered to flash by a "tilt-switch" when the wearer raises their arm to give a hand signal. And a device called an "accelerometer" is used to turn an LED, woven into the jacket's back, green when the rider is moving forward or red when they apply the brakes.
London-based Mr Chen, 28, got the idea watching cyclists in the capital. He said: "There is a lot of hostility from bus and cab drivers towards cyclists."Cyclists are brave. It is so dangerous without bike lanes. When I visited Korea last year, I noticed their cities had better bike lanes than London."
Michael Chen has landed a design award for the high-tech coat and hopes to find a manufacturer to produce it on a mass scale. He hopes that he can put the jacket on sale by Christmas, for about £100 ($200).
Video: YouTube
Link & Image: This Is London
Tags: Cycling | Bicycle | Jacket | Brake Light | LED | Indicators