The previously unknown dinosaur, dubbed Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis, grew up to 45 feet (14 meters) long and used huge "steak knife" teeth for slashing through prey, according to paleontologists.
"It was just a completely ferocious animal," said lead study author Steve Brusatte, a student at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.
"The teeth of this guy were enormous. They were the size of bananas, but they were very thin teeth."
The dinosaur's skull was about 5.5 feet (1.7 meters) long and was relatively lightweight given the animal's size.
This suggests that C. iguidensis relied on speed and used its teeth like hatchets to strike at the neck or flanks of its prey, Brusatte said.
Source: National Geographic
Tags: Dinosaur | Teeth | Carcharodontosaurus Iguidensis