$23,000 Ivory Phone

Ivory Phone.Many of us like to be trendy and hence we change our cell phone casing frequently. Now, how about changing to one made from elephant tusks, mammoth and camel bones?

In Guangzhou China, the art of engraving and modern technology has merged to produce the world’s first cell phone case made from ivory, mammoth and camel bones, engraved with 16 magnificent dragons and other carvings that help represent Guangzhou. Three masters of ivory carving took three and a half months to complete this US $23,000 master piece, and only 6 of such phones are currently available. As the workmanship of the handicrafts is unique and a long carving time is required, hence the possibility of cloning such phones is not high.

Link & Image: Xinhua
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Anonymous said…
Mammoth bones? No joke!

And I'm glad there are just 6 of this available. Using animal bones and tusks to make luxury items is just wrong.
Anonymous said…
we should really put a stop to animal cruelty in places like china! its just totally wrong!!!