10 most intelligent dogs

Border Collie.Have you ever wondered which breed of dogs is the most intelligent? LinkDonkey has a list of the top 10 based on the following criteria.

These breeds on average require less than 5 repetitions to understand a new command. They obey first commands 95 % of the time or better.

According to LinkDonkey, the most intelligent of the lot is the Border Collie as pictured.

From Wikipedia:
Like most working dogs, they have a tendency towards neurotic or destructive behavior if not given enough to do. They are still frequently used on farms all over the world for assisting with the handling of livestock. Though known to be reserved with strangers, these dogs can also be protective of a human family member and affectionate to those they know.

Check out the complete list after the jump.

Link: LinkDonkey
Image: Wikipedia
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