Fun bike that drifts and slides like a Snowboard!

bikeFor millions of people, a bicycle is their form of transport. Many find it a form of leisure pursuit and a means of escape from the everyday issues of life. Racing bikes, mountain bikes, BMX bikes each has its devotees, and each can provide untold pleasure for the riders. However, the original bicycle has been around for 200 years, and Michael Killian suggests it’s time for a change - a fun bike that drifts and slides like a Snowboard!

From Sideways Bike:
bikeThis bicycle is ridden forward and is balanced by using human Left to Right balance. This bicycle uses independent (non linked) Front and Rear steering. The ride is very wavy sort of like skiing with a capacity to drift to the right or left. The front and rear steering makes the bike much more maneuverable than a single steer bike. Your hands are by your side and you don't exert a lot of pull on the steering. Its sort of like riding a horse where you cannot lean on the reins but all body movements come out of your seat and saddle. The saddle is a unicycle saddle (You would slip forward off a regular bike saddle). I would predict that the audience for this bike would be teenagers to young adults.

Thanks, Michael !

Check out the videos after the jump.

Link & Image: Sidewaysbike
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