"Kissing" Parrot

ParrotWhen people walk past a stereo shop on Renmin Road in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province, they hear parrots greeting customers. Among them there is a white parrot, which stays silent and still.

When Guo Xiuqi, 57, owner of the stereo shop, came back, the parrot immediately became more active.

Guo approached the parrot, calling its name, "Sunflower" as the parrot stretched out its wings so the man could touch its stomach. When Guo's face was close to Sunflower's, the bird opened its beak and grabbed his lip.

Sunflower's beak is sharp, but it didn't hurt Guo. He said that he and 13-year-old Sunflower have been "kissing" twice a day for several years, once in the morning and once at night.

Link & Image: ChinaDaily
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