$16,311 on a canvas proves too tempting for art thieves

Relative ValueA Norwegian painting featuring 16,311 dollars (12,400 euros) of banknotes glued to a canvas proved too tempting to thieves, who made off with it at the weekend, the gallery that displayed it said Monday.

Some 100,000 bills of 1,000 kroner each were glued to Norwegian artist Jan Christensen's two-by-four-metre (6.5-by-13-foot) canvas, entitled "Relative Value", said the MGM Gallery in Oslo.

The robbers broke into the gallery overnight Saturday to Sunday by smashing a window. Then, proceeding methodically, they cut each bill off the canvas individually and left the cumbersome frame behind.

The thieves then left the building. When the security people arrived a couple of minutes later they were gone.

Link & Image: Yahoo News
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Anonymous said…
"Then, proceeding methodically, they cut each bill off the canvas individually and left the cumbersome frame behind."

Ummmm, Not entirely correct, the thieves cut the canvas from the frame, and most likely rolled the canvas or folded it up on their way out. The bills were most likely removed much later in safety.

It's hard to imagine them cuting off all 1000 bills in only minutes. Think before you write.

CoDex GaMez
Spluch said…
According to the source here, it seems that they did cut each bill off the canvas individually.

But I do agree that your point makes more sense, and thanks for pointing it out.