Wetland bird rediscovered in Thailand

Reed-warblerA wetland bird that eluded scientists for nearly 130 years has been rediscovered at a wastewater treatment plant in Thailand, Birdlife International announced Wednesday.

Little is known about the large-billed reed-warbler because it had not been seen since its discovery in 1867 in the Sutlej Valley of India. Because it was so rare, scientists had long debated whether it represented a true species or was an aberrant individual of a more common species.

Link & Image: USA Today
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Nick Upton said…
Another remarkable fact in this story is that Phil Round, the ornithologist who found the bird, previously rediscovered Gurney's Pitta which was also presumed extinct.

Phil has allowed me to use his photos of the bird and the capture site here; http://www.thaibirding.com/news/news_lbreedwarbler.htm
Spluch said…
Thanks for the tip, Nick Upton!