Women with long hair

Women with long hairOur hair is a very important expression of who we are, as often it is the first thing you notice when you meet someone (other than their bodies, I guess). In many cultures long hair is the trend for women, but some women actually maintain super long hair which are about a few meters long!

The Chinese lady on the left has 4.3m of long hair which she kept for 28 years, whereas the American lady on the right kept hers for 20 years, and now it has reached an amazing length of 2.46m.

Shown below are more photos of ladies with long hair. I wonder how they wash or groom their hair, or do they even wash their hair frequently?

Two more pictures after the jump.

Women with long hair
Women with long hair
Sources: Xinhua & ChinaDaily
Previously: Lady grows hair measuring 2.42 metres
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Paul said…
I love all the women with long hair.
Anonymous said…
very good