Fruit that tastes like a cross between melon and cucumber

PepinosIt's probably fair to say it doesn't have the most exciting taste in the world. But if you like cucumber and melon, the latest healthy superfruit could be for you.

The purple-striped 'melumber' - officially known as the pepino - tastes like a cross between a melon and a cucumber.

Pepinos have a high potassium content, which can help lower blood pressure, and are packed with vitamins A, B and C - all of which protect against cancer and heart disease. They are also ideal for dieters as a 100g serving contains only 23 calories.

The seeded fruit is shaped like a melon and grows to about the size of a goose egg. It can be eaten as a pudding or an appetizer.

While common across South America, pepinos have rarely been seen in Europe, although enterprising farmers in France have started growing them.

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