The workout you can do at work

Vertical workstationFor those who find the working day hard enough already, it may seem like torture. But doctors believe the key to losing weight could be walking as you work.

Obesity experts have designed a "vertical workstation" treadmill that allows the overweight to exercise on a treadmill without leaving the comfort of their desks.

Aimed at the overweight, the extra-high desk, which contains fixings for a computer and keyboard, is mounted over a treadmill.

Office workers who find it hard to a visit to the gym into their routine can then exercise as they work, simply by hopping onto the treadmill and typing while they walk.

The desk, which is made of steel and plastic, also contains space for pens, papers and niceties such as flower vases.

When walking on the treadmill becomes too much, the desk can be wheeled away from the treadmill - and work can resume from the comfort of a chair.

Link & Image: DailyMail
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