First zero-emission home unveiled

First zero-emission home
1.Wind catcher, for summer ventilation
2.Solar array at back of house for hot water and electricity
3.High-level of wall insulation
4.Biomass boiler

The UK has unveiled its first zero emission home that will set the environmental standard for all new homes in the future. The two-bedroom house is insulated to lose 60% less heat than a normal home.

It also features solar panels, a biomass boiler and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting.

The design, unveiled at the Offsite 2007 exhibition in Watford, meets rules to be applied in 2016 that aim to make UK homes more energy-efficient.

The Kingspan Off-Site's Lighthouse design is the first to achieve level six of the Code for Sustainable Homes - which means the house is carbon neutral.

About a quarter of UK carbon emissions come from homes.

Source: BBC
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