This is the amazing weight loss story of David Smith, who lost 401 pounds!
I used to weigh 630 pounds. I have been overweight all my life. I was close to death. I was written off by everyone, even myself. All of a sudden I woke up it seemed from my despair and I realized feeling sorry about my life wasn’t going to solve my problems. I decided to change my existence.
I weigh 229 now, I lost 401 pounds but I have excess skin. I wear a Large shirt and I can fit in a 34 waist. WEIGHTLOSS IS DONE! When I first started losing it was hard, I could only walk 500ft. I can now walk for days. I had problems doing everything, but I persevered over every obstacle. People used to laugh in my face, take pictures, and other degrading stuff. Now its another story getting buff, and so on. All within 3 years of starting. Crazy part is that I'm only half done! I want to be around 230 solid cut up when done.
I need surgery to remove excess skin, all my surgeries have been recorded for TV and will probably air next year. I have had 2 surgeries so far. One on Dec 7th and one on Feb 28th. These two surgeries removed 22.5 pounds of skin. The average person has 7 to 8 pounds of skin. My upper body is almost done I just need one more surgery. My lower body needs a inner thigh lift as well.
Videos after the jump.
Video: YouTube & YouTube
Source: Fulgerica
Tags: Weight Loss | Surgery