Man survives after nearly being sucked out of plane

Plane windowChris Fogg works as a flight nurse for his family's company, Ada-Boi, an air ambulance service. The Wednesday night flight from Twin falls to Seattle started as a typical transport. Soon after takeoff, something happened that is incredibly rare, and surviving it is even more rare.

“I do have a real vivid memory of myself with my head down to my chest rocking pretty hard. I could see the tail of the plane and the headset that I was wearing was whacking the side of the plane,” said Fogg.

The image of hanging halfway outside a plane 20,000 feet above the ground is still fresh in Fogg's mind, making it hard for him to sleep at night.

“I remember just kind of chit-chatting with the pilot and the patient was looking out the side window and then there was this huge loud boom like an explosion. I was immediately sucked out the window to my right and my head and arm had gone out the window. Initially I had thought that the whole wall had given way- I had my left hand up on the ceiling and my knees against the wall and I was pushing with all my might to get back in. Finally I was able to get enough air going between me and the plane that I broke the seal and just kind of fell flat back on my back,” said Fogg.

The pilot made an emergency landing in Boise in order to get Fogg the medical attention he needed.

Although the moment the window broke still haunts him, Fogg feels lucky that this shredded shirt and a few cuts and bruises are the only signs of the freak accident. “There's a big chunk of skin that was removed from my arm and 13 staples in my head. If you think about it, I am pretty unscathed for what I went just wasn't my day to die,” said Fogg.

Fogg returned to work the very next day.

Video after the jump.

Video & Source: Ktvb
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Anonymous said…
I bet that if someone had told him that day that getting on that plane would mean him getting sucked off...he would have still got on!
Spluch said…
Not sure about that.. but it really is a miracle that he survived the ordeal!