The Hot Air Balloon That Got Away

Rick Ashby hanging on to a ropeThis amazing picture shows a man vainly hanging onto the rope of a hot air balloon as he desperately tries to stop it escaping.

Rick Ashby, 54, of Longview, Texas was taking part in a game which involved trying to hit targets on the ground with bean bags when the balloon crashed.

Luckily the balloon's female passenger in the balloon managed to jump to safety but Rick clung on as he desperately tried to hold it down.

When Rick give up and let go, he survived a fall of up to 30 feet. He didn't get away unscathed as the fall broke both of his legs.

Rick Ashby hanging on to a rope
More pictures after the jump.

Source: DailyMail
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Anonymous said…
The passenger did not jump out of the basket and his legs are not broken.
Spluch said…
That's what the source said. What makes you say that?
Anonymous said…
Because *I* was his passenger...
Spluch said…
I'm speechless!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
He didn't jump out of the basket and his legs are not broken and that is correct too and until you get your story straight I don't think you need to be saying much you don't know the real truth.