Pub crawl by pedal power

Pub CrawlerFor the time-poor Londoner, it is the ultimate way to combine fresh air and exercise with a relaxing drink after work.

The Pub Crawler, a mobile bar propelled by the pedal power of its customers, is being hired out for up to £1,500 ($3,033) a time for tours between the capital's pubs.

It can accommodate 12 people - 10 guests who sit on bar stools with pedals so they can drink as they travel from venue to venue and, for safety's sake, a professional two-man crew who steer.

The Pub Crawler was introduced to London by 35-year-old Luke Robertson after he saw a similar contraption while holidaying in the Baltics.

He said: "I commissioned a friend, who's an engineer, to design and build it from some photographs I had taken. It took around four months to perfect."

The cost of the drinks bought at pubs en route is included in the hire price, which ranges from £450 ($910) to £1,500 ($3,033).

Mr Robertson said: "The funniest reactions are from people on the street who've had too much to drink. They think they're hallucinating. It's quite a surreal sight. One guy we passed on the King's Road stood there dumbfounded for about five minutes."

Source: This Is London
