Couple Gives Birth to Third Oct. 2 Baby

All three of William and Jenna Cotton's children were born on Oct. 2It won't take much for Jenna and William Cotton to remember the birthday of the newest member of their family.

Daughter Kayla at 7-pounds, 8-ounces, was born Tuesday, which was Oct. 2 — the same date her brothers were born. Ayden Cotton arrived on Oct. 2, 2003; Logan was born Oct. 2, 2006.

The parents said they had a feeling their baby daughter might come a couple of days past her Sept. 30 due date. Sure enough, Jenna Cotton, 23, began having contractions early Tuesday, hours before a planned birthday party for the boys.

The odds of a family having three children born on the same date in different years are about 7.5 in 1 million, said Bill Notz, a statistics professor at Ohio State University.

Source: Yahoo News
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