Man Had a Coca-Cola Tattoo without Realizing It for 26 Years

TattooThe tattoo on the left actually translate to Watsons (a chain of stores that sell health and beauty products). Not sure what's going on here...

From The Sun:
Proud Vince Mattingley showed off his Chinese writing tattoo spelling his name for 26 years – until someone pointed out if actually spelt Coca-Cola.

Vince, 44, had the body art done after asking staff at his favourite Oriental restaurant to write his name in Chinese symbols.

But a cheeky waiter drew the Coke words – and Vince had it etched on his chest.

Vince – who now works as a tattoo artist – never knew he was a walking advert for more than a quarter of a century. It was only when he travelled to Thailand this year that a barman asked him why he had Coca-Cola written on his chest.

Vince, of Watford, said: “I thought it was a joke then I found out that’s what it said. The restaurant staff must have had a good laugh about it.” He is now getting another Oriental tattoo to cover up the name of his favourite soft drink, left. He added: “I’m going to go with something Japanese this time.”

Source: The Sun
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