TV chef Hugh Fearnley stuffed an 18lb turkey with a goose, duck, mallard, guinea fowl, chicken, pheasant, partridge, pigeon and woodcock - producing a remarkable Russian doll-like dish. This behemoth contains no fewer than 48 birds of 12 different species.

It contains about 50,000 calories and takes more than eight hours to cook in an industrial duck-sized oven.
Anne, who runs the Heal Farm shop near Kings Nympton, said: "The True Love Roast has a bird for each of the 12 days of Christmas.
The roast contains turkey, goose, chicken, pheasant, partridge, pigeon squab, Aylesbury duck, Barbary duck, poussin, guinea fowl, mallard-and quail with herb and fruit stuffings.
Source: DailyMail
Tags: Dinner | Christmas | Bird | Turkey | Multi-Bird Roast | Roast