| A remote-controlled car racing a real car. [LiveLeak]
 | A root shaped like a man and woman. [The Sun]
 | A letter released with a balloon nearly 15 years ago by an elementary school first-grade girl in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, has been found clinging on a shark-skin flounder landed in Choshi, Chiba Prefecture. [Japan Today]
 | Teach your brain to stretch time. [New Scientist]
 | The humanoid robot that recognizes when people are lost and helps them find their way. [Pink Tentacle]
 | Creating life from scratch moves one step closer. [BBC]
 | Do's and don'ts with babies. [Cool Stuff]
 | Double amputee walks again due to Bluetooth. [Cnn, Video: Cnn]
 | Artist Juan Francisco Casas uses a bic pen to create stunning, photo-realistic drawings. [Andrew Sullivan]
 | Mother sacrificed her life by refusing cancer treatment so her premature baby would live. [Telegraph]