If you have seen the movie “Minority Report”, you must be awed by the ease in which simple hand gestures are used to interact with a computer in place of keyboard and mouse. So, when will such an interface becomes a reality? It would probably be a surprise to you but the answer is present day. According to Howstuffworks,
Wow, this completely revolutionizes the human-computer interface. Looks like the keyboard and mouse would soon be obsolete. Can’t wait for it to happen! Remember to watch the video of Han’s demonstration from the following link.
Han debuted the uber-cool multi-touch interface at TED 2006 (Technology Entertainment Design), an annual 4-day conference held in Monterrey, California. He demonstrated to a roomful of enthusiastic observers the multi-touch interface’s graphic capabilities and intuitive approach where "the interface disappears." With no more than two fingers, Han navigates through computer programs -- a 3-D mapping program (like Google Earth), resizing and organizing digital photos and typing on a virtual keyboard -- on the pressure-sensitive screen.
Wow, this completely revolutionizes the human-computer interface. Looks like the keyboard and mouse would soon be obsolete. Can’t wait for it to happen! Remember to watch the video of Han’s demonstration from the following link.
- Video: Jefferson Han's Demonstration
Source: Howstuffworks
And what do you mean my numerous references to poo made you lose your appetite?! XD There is nothing wrong with poo! x_x;
I did mention that I was just kidding. Nevertheless, I apologize if my words offended you.